:giggle: and if a shag is as good as a poster you are surely a legend Raven
Nite Long....some of us have beds to go to lol
Offering an olive branch ... Then being publically spurned & ignored by a former friend
Daughters ... Dads are such push-overs
We learn when we are in the womb how to get what we want out of men Alan, so your well and truly screwed lol
screwed mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm "I WISH"
Men on this site who are moaning they cant get a meet and when one is on offer come up with the most stupid bull shite excuses. And claiming they are bi but run a mile at the mention of any male on male action.
Seriously had one so called bi guy say bi guys dont do anal!!!!OMFG.
Sick of time wasters and sick of males bitching here when they are all talk and no action:taz::taz::taz::taz:
It does Alan, my thoughts on it if your not going to fuck get off the site!!!
Yes i am very very pissed off:taz:
Raven some people just enjoy the social & chat side of the site...different strokes for different folks.
but I do agree with you ...piss or get off the pot...:doggy:
I can`t understand that though, if they want to chat ect why not join a social network and leave this site for people who want to swing? As you know we put an advert up for a meet last night and the lack of response was a joke but tonight our inbox is full...seriously do people not read the posts here?
Btw, ty Alan they are good pics but should have been private, blonde moment on my part lol
Sounds like you had enough fun with that phone Alan lol
getting a flat tyre (motor-bike) on the M50 & having to wait an hour in the rain for the recovery truck
The unfortunate assumption of someone who apparently assumes you're complaining about getting fine weather, when the original complaint is actually got to do with being ill - getting a sore throat, and Hayfever like flu, and suffering asthma and breathless-ness all for the grand total of usually 2 months or so !! .....
Are you not allowed to complain about feeling sick now?! Well the Doctor does ask "and what are your complaints now x?! :giggle:
Not been able to enjoy the great weather due to having a damm tooth out and been in sooo much pain:taz:
missin out on a great gig (derrick may ) tonite due to no money and bad planning
seems there are lots people need to let loose...
shout here & CAPITOLS are OK...lol
Thanks alan i needed that :lol2:
Have a sexy weekend all.