your right Raven ... celebrities like Angelina can have tattoos & push a pram ... she is adored & venerated by glossy magazines
society puts some on pedestals & others down
People who try and tell people to shut up (or relax) unnecessarily.:moon:
No post on Valentines day ... Now I have to wait till tomorrow :lol2: :giggle:
Alan maybe it was not sent by snail mail!!!!!
speaking of post the amount of junk mail that is being delivered to every household these days is such a waste of paper, money etc the majority of it ends up in the rubbish which we then have to pay to have removed
We get our`s recycled for free :bounce: but it is a pain in the butt when everyday you have to try and find the real mail amongst all the junk:taz:
But you have to feel sorry for the poor sod delivering the junk mail, possiably knowing he/she is more hated than a dublin clamper lol:grin:
Teddy will be stoking the fires of hell more than us Alan :evil2:
And we can get cutie to bring the water:haha:
that there is no search function in forums ... spent ages trying to find an old thread & still not found it...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
How ungrateful some people can be :fury:
Oh holy feck!!!!!!
Daylight bleeding robbery.
Next doors labrador comin into our back garden for a dump , usually round the washin line:taz:
...oh I feel yer pain clara, swear they were driving a scania.....dont get me started on those that don't knbow how to use indicators.
do your vibes have lights and indicators raven
ummmmm you get more interesting by the minute.
Just got a speeding fine ... Boys n blue hiding in a white van & no camera warning signs ... I was coming off a Motorway...
Did you get any points Alan??
thickos who drive in the middle lane between naas and dublin at 60 km/p/h
Is there something we should know about you and Mr Ball Virgo???
Mammy always said never tell tales :giggle::giggle:
We wouldnt ask you to tell tales hun so just spill the beans lol
Why dont you come over to my campfire Raven I will cook your beans for you and the only thing being spilled will be milt.
He really is quite quite mad you know.