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It will be alright on the night...but it wasn't thread.

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Okay we all know that meets, especialy first meets very often never go according to plan, or that first time you dipped your toes into the vast pool of Swing, and it all went arse ways up(pardon the pun). Come on folks fess up, be brave and share some of your most embarassing moments. The first time I attended a swing party, I arrived so nervous I developed a bad case of flatulence, I walked in and during some introductions my bottom decided to say hello..:-o that was you!!!..tut tut.
*flicks hair at Make,..... and sniffs* Anyhoo can't believe no one is prepared to admit their first time meet disasters..
I would, but the couple is still on here and I don't want to hurt feelings.
Quote by user=BullAndBoo
I would, but the couple is still on here and I don't want to hurt feelings.

True, that wouldn't be fair...
*Thinks*...okay thread now to include firstime sexual encounters, first dates ect...
The guy from the couple thought his wife was having too much fun with me, got angry and decided he wanted me to leave after thumping me..... Its all great fun sometimes .... NOT Sean xx
My very first meet from here was definitely memorable for lots of reasons....most of all for the fact that he couldnt look me in the so shy he could barely talk.....when he relaxed and things prgressed....he came twice before i even touched him....then again as soon as i did...repeatedly.....gave it up as a bad was a giggle (for me) if nothing else.
my very first meet was with a single lady off this site, she chose for us to meet down in dollymount beach, now i thought she ment down over the wooden bridge and then meet up beside the beach,,, So i drove over the bridge and went straight down the very end and onto the beach and parked up, 5 or 10 minutes when by and no sign of her, so i rang her, her said that she was at the other enterance to the beach, 2 minutes away, now i was driving my work van, which now i realise wasnt a goos idea to bring onto the sand because of the weight of it, And yes folks as u cam imagine i did get stuck in the sand, i was fucking shitting it, i thought the tide was gonna come in and take my van away, i could only imagine me trying to come up with an excuse to my boss why i was down in dollymount stand at 1 in the morning!!!!! To finish it off i was rescused by a bloke in a jeep, he towed me out of the sand, thank fuck he was there cos if he wasnt i wouldnt of liked to think what would of happened to me or the van, Anyhow i eventually met up with the woman an hour later, (i rang her and told her what happened) I had a ball and i am still having a ball, i just know now not to bring a loaded van to a meet down the beach, Thanks Jay
I had a meet during the summer with a guy from another site, now we had chatted for weeks, he came across as intelligent, witty and very pleasant.. When he turned up, he proceeded to call me 'doll' complete with a manic wink!! I ended up texting a good friend from this site, nipping to the loo, and via text my friend(didn't mention your gave me some great advice on how to POLITELY get rid of him.... For the sake of the childers and the animals, I will never disclose just exactly what that advice entailed...:giggle::evil2::giggle:
eye drops in his drink??? or if he was that bad eye drops in ur own drink :giggle:
well.....our first meet with a cpl, only our second meet....drove 3 hours to get to their house, she was drunkish, he was lashed as a bastard, and there was a single male there as well. we had a laugh for a while, then he started to get leery with me....flicked fag ash on my head while i was sitting on the sofa - then denied he'd done it despite the fact that her and Jax saw him do it...a little later we all retired upstairs, but he went back into the living room after 5 or 10 mins...she went down to see what the score was and they started having a huge domestic. the single guy ran away very quickly, and i said to Jax we had better go. The woman started on me, then he got right in my face - several times. being in someone elses house i was determined to be on my best behaviour, so i refrained from smacking him down, but have occasionally wish i had lol. The next day we found out that our story was by no means unusual with this cpl...shame we hadn't been told that b4. The whole thing very nearly put Jax off swinging for good, and she left her favourite toy there as well ffs! needless to say she's never got it back... We figure that sooner or later ur gonna have a meet that goes seriously pear-shaped...we just got ours out of the way at the start lol...i hope! andy
Quote by user=bigjayo14
eye drops in his drink???
or if he was that bad eye drops in ur own drink :giggle:

No Bigjay, after I did the durty deed(suggested by friend) he *winked* then asked 'when can I see you again doll'banghead
oh i think i get ya addies, :giggle:
i dont get that addies, god im slow... anyhow ive had a lot of strange meets but one in particular stood out. met this guy who wud charm the pants off a nun, sent me pics where he looked really well. wen we met he went on about his hard mates and how they were all into selling drugs and robbing cars...yawn..anyway thank god nothin happened jst a few drinks, afterwards he plagued me...told me he was in love with me...told me hell burn down my house and new car and all this, this went on for a while, all my mates will fuck u. anyhoo then a few days later he sent a msg sayin hey pretty donna i want lick ur c^&% wat the fuk, then they got nicer like hey how r u havent heard from u everything ok? i never replied to any of those msgs.....wat a psycho
sounds like u had a reverse stalker there donna....starts off a nutter and ends up all sweetness and light......some people eh? andy
haha andy i know lol i kinda prefer that type thou, hate finding out little secrets later on on people
Having got to know a guy over a few weeks, and spending a pleasant and platonic weekend together - Whilst I was taking a shower - he then stole money from my purse and did a runner.
I got off lucky - I since found out from three other girls on the same website that he'd done the same trick to them too - and along with the cash he'd also stolen their mobile phones as well.
Anyone who is chatting with a scrawny ginger TWONK who claims to work for Forensics Office of the Fire Service in Dublin - watch out - There's a liar and a thief about!
i dont get that addies, god im slow... Lol..deliousshabba.. Make sent me texts, giving instructions to carry out a very rude act on the aul eejit, thinking it would scare him off, it didn't he wanted more!:embarrased:
spoke to a guy for a few weeks - he didnt have a cam (broke my 1st rule there - silly me) but sent me numerous pictures of himself at diferent times. quite a goodlooking guy - 28 yrs old - so i was excited to meet him - got to the arranged place and to my horror a guy about 57 turned up and said hi. i asked him where the 28 yr old stud was and he replied "em that was my son - i wanted u to get here" :uhoh: He was a bit miffed when i turned and walked away with him screaming after me "u may as well stay now ur here":giggle: dont think so mate ----------- now gone back to my 1st rule of swinging - only meet guys whose face is on cam - pics are a no go.....:thumbup: lou xxx
Quote by user=addiesfun
i dont get that addies, god im slow...
Make sent me texts, giving instructions to carry out a very rude act on the aul eejit, thinking it would scare him off, it didn't he wanted more!:embarrased:

Sheesh addies, so much for my annonimity being protected lol.
I had arranged to call to a woman I was talking to from another site for a cuppa when I was wortking in the area, Kinda suss out the landscape etc, arriving at her house she had 3 kids all under 6 this woman was in her mid 40's and I presumed she was just minding them, and I said are you babysitting for someone? she then went on to tell me that the 3 kids were hers and all from different fathers(Despite fact she had told me she had 2 adult children in the UK), lest to say I made me excuses and left before she told me rest of the story.
she barraged me with nutter texts for the next 3 hours and in the reverse stalker style as losmags mentioned they started vicious and god soppier and soppier until she got hint I was not going to reply.
Why can't people be honest.
I have never had a meet go bad but I did have one that went well I though until after the meet when in the chatroom she would freak out if she seen me talking to any other women, would start off with a nasty whisper then she would log off and start with a barage of nasty texts, lucky for me after I had had enough of this one polite but firm email stopped it all and we agreed to ignore each other.
Quote by user=missmjj
My very first meet from here was definitely memorable for lots of reasons....most of all for the fact that he couldnt look me in the so shy he could barely talk.....when he relaxed and things prgressed....he came twice before i even touched him....then again as soon as i did...repeatedly.....gave it up as a bad was a giggle (for me) if nothing else.

Im sure your giggling helped PMSL the poor lad
eing in your compamny a lot of men would find it hard to erhmmm control themselves lol
Sorry Make I forgotinnocent:giggle::giggle:
Oh Lord here we go.......I’m not sure if this is the right thread for this tale of woe....however... It was summer i was (about) 23,I had a motorbike (part of a lifelong obsession), at that time in Cork girls did’nt want to know about bikes, it was cars or nothing, I would have more chance of making it with a girl if i told her I had leprosy (never underestmate the power of the sympathy shag ) Howerever one night I was at a party ,In my leathers , with my helmet (both of them ) Doing my best to look like James Dean/Rory Gallagher , moody/dangerous , but more than likely just looking scruffey and gormless When this girl came up to me and started chatting,a girl talking to me ??? did you ever see the flim wain’s world? The bit when Garth dreams of asking out the girl ? yea, I should sue that was me , About 20 miles outside Cork ar some lovely beaches, I sugested a ride on my bike ,a walk on the beach,”we could watch the sun come up” I said (I was a bit drunk .... I know I’m a bad person ) She said ....ok..... (fec she must have been pissed). 3am.I parked my bike out side of the beach hotel,all the way down she had held on to me as I drove that mighty beast of hot throbbing metal.....etc I was probably lucky I didnt kill the pair of us , Anyway we got to the beach... I kind of knew this area and knew there was a path and some steps down to the beach near the hotel talking my lover by the hand (what a man) I strode across the road “the beach is over here” said I , and so it was , however, i had missed the path by about 200 yards,it was ok tho. I found the beach,it was at the bottom of the 25 foot cliff I walked over,the girl had spotted something was not right at the last second and had called out” hang on a sec”and let go of my hand as I tumbled(striding manfully)arse over tit, I can still rember thinking “what the f***”, then with a mighty thud, I ended up on the are you ok???” her voice called down to me,I heard the sounds of climing, fair do’s to her she climed down to see if I was still alive (Iwas ,tho rather stunned) Luckly I had landed on my head so nothing important was damaged ,() Dasaster tho I had broken my glasses, I’m as blind as a bat without them,”my god “said herself “your bleeding” so I was ,from a gash in my head, blood was flowing down my face at quite a rate. We walked along the beach and found the steps I was so sure where there(till some fecker moved them) and got back to the hotel witch was closed no amount of knocking on the door aroused anyone(and the mobile phone was not invented yet) I was 20 miles from a hospital, with no glasses , With a girl who (while brave,she climed down the cliff)had never driven a bike ,and I was bleeding heavly. I heard an engine, My girl ran over to see if she could get some help ,the car held one English tourest ,and what you could only in polite compney call two ladies of the night,thankfully they said they would drop us to hospital,I have never had a more surreal journey ( maby it was the concussion) the two ladies keept telling me I was fine, while telling my girl in a very loud whisper, “F*** he’s pumping blood!!!while the driver was telling me about the difference between a porche and his buddys lamborgine as I nodded and smiled and bled all over his leather seats . the only time I was ever in a porche  I got 8 stiches in my head ,she said she would call to see if I was all right She never did .
Great story Head but I think the bag to you head was worse then you thought 5 people in a Porsche, didnt know Porshe made people carriers :-? Unless it was a 924 but they dont count they ar really VW'sinnocent
aw Head *camere to addies for a wee huggg*.. That story is hilariousrotflmao:rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao:
Arranged to meet a guy and he took me to curracloe to the beech , long story short tide started coming in got cut off from the safe path out had to head for the woods .. 3 hours later ..pitch dark .. bits sore from a mixture of sand and sweat after walking around in a bloody panic for hours .. covered in scratchs nd stings from the bushes nd nettles .. dehydrated as the muppet never thought to bring a drink we finally made it back to the car ...
Was chatting to a single fem from another site - scottish girl living in Ireland. She had pics good fun decent chat bit of banter. We arranged to meet for a coffe as we worked quite close. She said she had changed her hair since the profile pics and would send me a pic so we could recognise each other. All cool nice pic was quite looking forward to it Well when i met her I had to double take because in the preceeding 24 hrs she must have won the world championship Cake Eating Championship - she was at least 5 stone heavier and well hassles but to send a pic 24hrs before I know I wear glasses perhaps she thought i wouldn't notice..........