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Warming the Bed
Hi i am just curious as to why people ignore you in the chat room take this morning i entered with a jolly inro to all and even said hi to 4 people but even after being sarcastic which i dont like to do as im a guy who wont upset the cat (not that i have 1 lol )I didnt get any response what so ever. it happens a lot on this site and dont say it takes time ive been a member for over a yr now and its never changed yet. im begining to think ill cancel my membership I was a memeber of the english sister site were i have made many friends and still keep in touch im no longer a member due to the expense and the fact i live in NI now. Just like to know if others find the same annoyimg a hi is not to much to ask surly
Sex God
Well,Sadly Trucker,,There's a fair bit of a "click" on the site,,and most of the people in the main chatrooms already know each other,and therefore seem to stick to themselves for the chat. One way We found when We started was to just dive in,head first,and start chatting to one or two,,And that seems to have worked for us.. A hint maybe,,Would be to open your own chatroom,,and as people come into your room,,You could just greet them with a simple "Hi,How's it going"? Just an idea,,Hope it helps... L and C.
Sex God
Hi Trucker, Sorry to hear you feel like this, for what it is worth, it happens to us all at some stage, I don't use the chatrooms a lot, I tend to go into the main room, and I have to be honest and say everyone is friendly and will always say Hello.. The banter and craic is always good.. But I did mention this to another member last week, I went into another room, cheery hello and not one reply, I said hello again, still no reply, so to be honest i just gave up and left.. It would be a pity if after a year you feel you have to leave over the matter..
Warming the Bed
thanks all for your input at least im not the only one. my prob is im old fashioned and dont like to butt in unless spoken to i know it may be a fault but thats the way i am and hard to change
Sex God
Hate to say it Trucker,,But We were like you once,,,Too polite to say anything,,or Butt in,,But,,We soon learned that the way to solve it,,Is just dig in there,,and start chatting..
Warming the Bed
hi trucker and all ,,,,i always try best say hi to newbies or others but as corkhot says ya have dive in and join the banter lol,,,its usually diff chat everyday and most things ya catch onto fairly quick so jump in mate ,pop few jokes and knod your head and pretend ya know whats happening when you dont haha(well thats what i do )maybe also you should try a room thats not so busy first sometimes the rooms with 20-30 users are lot more fun than ones with 100plus lol,,,,,,,recently a few new peeps have joined and being diving in and they very popular already so its matter throwing yourself in headfirst ,,,hope ya dont leave site over something like that and wish you best luck mate
Sex God
hey tucker, know exactly hat you mean, not long here chatting myself, and I try to say hi to everyone that greets to the room or by name, now and then it can be missed if its very busy, but your right bout some folk, their rude and ignorant when a greeting goes totally ignored, I know now and then it does happen if their in a whisper maybe, but when it consistently happens you know their just plain anyhow if ever I ignored you it was never intentional, and as casp said just jump in...generally its all good, and as to the rude ones...just ignore them..xxxx
Hi great thread... I must admit..early days for me on the site..was not great and to this day there are certain well established members who unless you have huge tits are bi..and your bi partner is the same.. they will totally ignore new members... that said.. there are quite a few established members who are the total opposite...and I find great and welcoming and always have time for a hello a laugh and quirk..... sad to say.. there are 'Hardened Swingers' on this site.. who will not give you the time of day... unless you meet the above criteria... but as Chuck Berry says.. 'C'est La Vie' just my tupence worth Frank
Warming the Bed
thanks guys for your ideas and support ill see how it goes for a while im not 1 to give up easy
Sex God
Quote by user=fjvm9
Hi great thread...
I must admit..early days for me on the site..was not great and to this day there are certain well established members who unless you have huge tits are bi..and your bi partner is the same.. they will totally ignore new members...
that said.. there are quite a few established members who are the total opposite...and I find great and welcoming and always have time for a hello a laugh and quirk.....
sad to say.. there are 'Hardened Swingers' on this site.. who will not give you the time of day... unless you meet the above criteria... but as Chuck Berry says.. 'C'est La Vie'
just my tupence worth

Well I know now why I was ignored, I don't have big enough boobs, phew thnaks for sorting that out
Excellent post and I really hope trucker takes it on board.:thumbup:
Sex God
if its because of the boobs addies , ill just come sit in the corner quietly with you so :giggle:
Sex God
Quote by user=bicuriousme
if its because of the boobs addies , ill just come sit in the corner quietly with you so :giggle:

We could open a room bicurious, lol.. the small boobs room, imagine the camming, the boobrotflmao
Seriously though Buxy made a great point, it is easy to miss someone saying hello , not intentionaly, especialy in the larger rooms, or you leave your pc for a few mins and lose track of conversations..
But to deliberately ignore someone is plain rude, however I suppose others would say, I don't have to talk to anyone if I don't wish to, thats their choice I guess.
Sex God
I saw this thread earlier and have revisited it a few times. I'm not sure what it takes to get accepted in the chatrooms - if that's the right way I'm describing it. I don't use them much, partly for the practical reasons that I don't type fast enough and can't keep pace with the multiple conversations, so I'm a fringe member in the chatrooms. The answers others, who are more active in the chatrooms, have given seems like good advice to me. But the tuppenceworth I would like to add relates to the forums. I find them much easier to use and, perhaps because they have none of the real-time pressures of the chatrooms, I find that most genuine discussion gets a response sooner or later. So all I'm suggesting is that you try the discussion forums and see how that evolves. People who have got to know you through the forums may chat more readily in the chatrooms. (And I'd emphasise the point "chat with you in the chatrooms" rather than just a quick greeting and away again.) Heartiest Regards Cool Hand