Yes folks its that time of year again when the Easter bunny will be full of life and chocolate manufactures make some pretty impressive confectionery.
But the question is How do you eat yours.
Ps need not be just that egg filled with Delicious cream stuff but whatever your favorite anti weight loss product may be!!
Nibble at the top, stick my tongue in and lick out what's inside, then stick the rest in my mouth and suck it until it melts
We are back at the Cream eggs then again .....
Am saving mine up for 1 really good night ....
Find them far too sickly sweet.
First, I take it in my hand And slowly peel off the wrapper. Then I take it to my mouth and slowly lick and suck the top of it until it begins to melt on my tongue. A little of the cream oozes out onto my tongue and I can't resist but to lick and lick and and lick the inside out. What's left I put inside my mouth and suck on it til it's gone. Mmmm mmmm mmmm yum. ;-) (Ms Fiery)
How do I eat mine???
I don't..........yuck :eeek::eeek: