I visited the site today as normal, to see a host of single females shown to be [b:e4894c5084]online[/b:e4894c5084] (on the homepage), most of whom I wasn't familiar with. ( I'm on here every day ). When I signed in to check them out, it turns out they were all accounts that hadn't been accessed for over 90 days. This is the same shitty antics that other popular websites try, to get people signed up. If this is a glimpse of what is to come from swing4ireland, I believe it to be dangerous path to follow, as the one thing this site has going for it is its honesty, safeguarded by its own members self-moderation. So in summary, cut that shit out, and keep up your usual good work I/We have come to expect from the site,
Yours truly pissed off,
It may have been when they where changing the home page earlier today.
I have just checked all 12 of the pictures on it and they are all on line at the moment.
Member of the site Mod Team.
I logged in there now and none of the single fems on the main website homepage were visible when I checked out the "Who's Where", from the "My account" homepage.
Somethings very suspect....
Bring Back the Old Homepage!
It's a bit like the figure on the side of the page say that there are 105,310 (at time of writing this) on the website, when the vast majority of these haven't been logged on in months or longer so the true figure is much smaller.
Well when you click on a lot of the people who are "online" a lot of them aren't, makes it look good for the site though lol