:clap:ty for the upgrade. however, food for thought here. would it not be good to have a blocking system, ie., where if one member does not wish to communicate another the person can be blocked. same for cammers who receive unwanted whispers and comments.
this would improve the site no end and i am sure make things generally run smoother and make it more pleasent for your members.
please give this some thought!!!!!!!!
on other sites aff in paticular there is a button that allows you to ignore ones ie they can say all they want and you never see what they have said i think a device similar to that is warranted on this site especially in light of the recent winding of a pyscho carmen and her subsequent disruption of the main chat by hounding one with the help of another corkace if an ignore button had been availble to the othr member no disruption would have occured and if that will not be the case then only the offending party carmen should have been banned