oops twas bigger than what i thought :-o ,er not often a girl gets to say that :haha:
am loving your halloween costume Raven...
I am a ghost....:bounce::evil2:
had this problem before, sometimes the gif images once copied seem to loose the moving effect...do they still move in the photobucket album...or try past directly from the original site...
:fuckinghell: jon thats terriable, the poor baby. Lokk at it`s little face ahhhh
Opps that didnt show will try again
4fecsake Raven lol :lol2::fuckinghell:
Already have a vague re-collection of this from Page 1 :giggle:
No need 2 put it n this page as well! :O:uhoh:
:inlove: I think she's lovely
Ok that's it it's official, - I'm officially All Halloweened Out! :uhoh:
Roll on Xmas!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for the Ad. where they sing .... It's Chrrrrrrrrristmas!!! Then ya hear tha Reindeer Bells ;)
When's Santa flyin in ......