music very loud
gardai arrived
party recommenced on their departure
complaints about music choice
garda loved party wear
will call back later
Sexyleggs ... Wow
Lady with ball, sees boy
Boy takes ball, kicks into river
Lady says bye bye ball
Woman wakes up in wrong bed,
Turns to left and goes
what the hell is that.........
Friendship is like gardening
Keep the flowers
Get rid of the weeds
A weed can be
a flower growing
in the wrong place
When all you have is a smile
Share it
It helps.
Depressingly depressed.
Pressed like flower.
I have no mickey.
muldern tcell
seeking truth
is it out there
Woman walks into room
Door slowly closes.
Man walks into room.
whips out chopper
cycles round bed
she feels his fingers lightly
push back her hair..
Fully erect
down and dirty
Time flies
Late date
Late night
Big smile
The smell of incense
The taste of death
Anyone for a kit kat
Forget missionary,
Forget kinky.
I'm thinkin 69.
lying down in silence
rising like a mountain
put that thing away.
sore head
cunt ringing doorbell
fuck off
Holiday today
Ash in sky
Put away passport
get upstairs
before I
sell the bed
Two steps at a time
jump right in
waiting Virgo
knicks up
knicks down
full moon
do not
wash dirty linen
in public
a vision in pink
suggestive enticing
an erotic mystery
Mrs Robinson
a quest
for young boys
waking up
totaly refreshed
ready to start again....