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Guys v Gals

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Of late it has occurred to me how would I deal with or what would I do if I got a flat tyre lol. Clueless on what to do lol so um just leave it in the hands of the Gods lol! lol But am just wondering how many girls on here have/would/will be(en) able to replace flat tyres or get it sorted and fit-for-road again or would it always just be a case of relying on a passer-by, and/or using your looks/charm etc. to see ya through and get ya on your way ..... Accordingly, how many guys do the washing lol?! Or even know where in the house the washing-machine is lol ...... ~ Other house-work ........ Who does it?! ~ Mows lawns - me often sees women out mowing the lawns. :lol: Anything else .......
Hey hun... As a single mother i have no man at home, so i have to do all the things myself. And even changed the flat tyres and change oil, and fix some cupboards in the kitchen and other household things. Sometimes i was thinking why do i need a man if i can do that all myself. dunno:dunno::dunno: But came to conclusion that i need a man for PLEASURE passionkisssillyassionkiss::passionkiss:
I do everything in this house except the laundry. I cant for the life of me work out how to make that machine go. I mow the lawn, cook, hoover & mop the house, even iron my own clothes, paint, sand & varnish the stairs, install all the satellite & other electronics. I even wash all the windows when we get good weather. Just cant work that damn washing machine - all them numbers & settings are just not normal
Quote by Sugarloaf
I do everything in this house except the laundry. I cant for the life of me work out how to make that machine go. I mow the lawn, cook, hoover & mop the house, even iron my own clothes, paint, sand & varnish the stairs, install all the satellite & other electronics. I even wash all the windows when we get good weather. Just cant work that damn washing machine - all them numbers & settings are just not normal

You're some man for one man......lucky Mrs Sugar lol :lol:
Just wondering.......with all those chores to do...where do you get the time for extra curricular activities?? :rascal::rascal::rascal:
Quote by PowerNPassion
You're some man for one man......lucky Mrs Sugar lol :lol:
Just wondering.......with all those chores to do...where do you get the time for extra curricular activities?? :rascal::rascal::rascal:

Well I dont do them everyday apart from the cooking & cleaning bits. Plenty of time for other activities believe me ;)
Its all about the gadgets.... If you want a man to do it buy a washing machine with lots of lights and settings ... I wash, cook, clean, iron, garden, ..... blah blah blah..... Thats what happens when your the eldest of 3 with Mum out working and Dad awol somewhere, you learn to be very independent and very domesticated...... It stood me in good stead, when i stepped out into the world on my own. And it horrifies me that so many have lost the basic skills in life such as cooking and baking. As a generation we are not passing on the skills our kids are going to need, and this is a sad sad thing i believe. Every one should know how to iron a shirt, use a washing machine, sow a button, polish their shoes, wire a plug, change a tyre, bake a cake, and cook a roast dinner... Sean
I'm with ya on that seany, a lot seem to lack basic life skills now a days, guess the modern ultra convenient world we live in. I was thrust into domestic 'carnage' many years ago when I went to college in the UK, I had to learn a lot fast and with no assistance..... I'm fairly competent in most things..but f*ck do I hate painting. @loveheart...something soo hot about a girl that can change the oil in her own car.... :twisted:
Got my first flat tyre a few months ago on the bloody motorway with 4 kids in the car..nearly shit myself!!!! But with a little bit of tuition on thr phone from my little SISTER..I changed it..I was sooooooooo proud of myself.....just as I was finished a Guard stopped and made sure I had tightened the nuts..but assured him I was good with nuts lol lol will give everything a try won't bow down to stereotypical BS...I do the garden,take out the bins, paint,change bulbs etc just as much as my hubby cooks,hoovers,cleans etc!!! It's 2011 after all!!! Mrs D...;) ;)
we both do everything in our house...... well seeing as kerry goes to work and i stay home i do most of the cooking and cleaning but he does help out on his days off, he mows the lawn digs the garden etc etc all the electrical techie stuff i leave to him, and he will even do the shopping if need be... i can fix drains, unplug vaccuums, chop and saw wood, and can wield a hammer if need be lol
I do it all: cook clean washing garden paint iron etc etc..when you step out into big bad world at 18 you don't have much choice but these days it just part of day to day living....but there was a time when I was like that guy frm detergent add with the skinhead and white shirt...ahhh mum