I have decided to put pen to paper, or is it keyboard to screen here, as there is an age old topic that I believe requires a timely reminder.
While I do realise that we are all living in hard times, I do think that everyone can afford at least a bar of soap to help wash away the year just gone, and have us all freash:lick: and ready:doggy: for 2010.
I do recall with a turn in my stomach, an ex of mine from many years ago, who could have bred birds in her bush.....as in the forest of arden!! eversince, and I know its a personal decision, but I have always ensured that if I am not at least waxed, I have the hedge well trimmed so that it is blossoming and tasteful for those who choose to visit!!:evil2:
There can be no excuse whatsoever for poor personal hygiene, so if we all want to be enjoying eachother and having good fun, then let us all take pride in ourselves and be fresh and ready to go:bounce: and thus show the respect to others that we would expect for ourselves....