Okay a thought on both, given the recession and misery in society today, would it not be benifical if our joint governments invested in drop in centres dedicated to helping us enjoy the simple pleasure of flickin and to ...
Somewhere we could without fear of going blind, growing up to be bold dirty girls who no one wants to marry! Yes Mammy told me that:-o
Now there are jerk circle groups, but ughhhhhhhh Shudders,hope they use wipies..
I am thinking more upmarket, soft lighting, plush seats, beds, sofas, , mags, erotic lit, sexy music, god the ideas are endless...
The unemployed would have somewhere to go, ladies could dump the women's groups that encourage knitting and prayers and enjoy being You men could simply be happy smilie :wank:'s
Go on lobby your MP'S bet they would be only too happy to oblidge!!!!!!!!