ignoring all the shit in my life and having great fun :evil2:
:doh: As sick as a small hospital that last cocktail did it
Sore head, I am such a lightweight my drinking days are well and truely a thing of the past, 4 koppabergs and me head feels like metallica are performing 'Battery' in it.
still kinda drunk from last night. feeling happy and brill and buzzing :-) Happy Easter
strangely happy with work looming,,,, a happy easter to you too NS
Oooer not sure yet - ask me again when I've had the social welfare decision back lol
shattered, need to give up drinking and late nights :sleeping:
tired , fed up , pissed off that just bout covers it
Concerned about Bi-Atch :kiss
lazy today ffs :sleeping:
pissed off...had to cancel a night out in dublin for sat....:upset::upset::upset::upset::upset::upset::upset::upset::upset:
Having a big blonde day :doh:
wrecked... time for work again, feel like i never leave the place!
:bounce: happy and edxcited weekend here and off tomorrow :thrilled: Let the fun bedgin :happy:
:evil2: happy because the mods are great,, also the glass of wine helped,, now i only wish i had a bottle :giggle:
soo tired now, just in the door
Fucked tired :sleeping: but happy. :smile2:
tired and pissed off :taz::fuckinghell: