ooohhh fabby - the reason for your smugness would be????
its fridayyyyyyyyyyyy :bounce::thrilled::bounce:
so feckin horny its annoying.
disillusioned. keep falling for the wrong girls. ha
:giggle: photo :-o on my wayyyyyyyyy :bounce:
Tired and have a pounding headache. couldn't possibly be due to the wine :lol2:
:yawn: tired but happier :smile2:
:-?Chunky huge massive........insecure.....:-?:upset:......sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Aaaaaaaaah Shaven why you feeling like that :upset::upset::upset:
feeling sick. have bad cold and sore head.
hate being sick. it's such a waste of time.
why shaven so upset??
satisfied have my ice cream :lick::smug:
:wave2:Ben and Jerry carmel Cho Cho
their is alway load to share :smile2::smug:
Come on down to cork and will have some in the freezer
wooooooo hoooooooo :clap: on my way
Horny, so much so it aint even funny.....:taz:
C'mere to me Titan and I'll soon sort that out :haha:
Happier than i was earlier
hornier than a three balled cat :taz: