At present its Strike Back Season 3. Couldnt be bothered waiting for Sky to show it so I dowanloaded the first 5 episodes cos it was released in the US 4 weeks prior to UK & Ireland.
Mrs Sugar loves Pawn Stars & American Pickers on History HD and to be fair after sitting through a few eps with her on both shows, I've started to like them too. But not that much.
I also love Scannál, the Irish language show that reviews mainly Irish scandals from the last three decades such as the IBTS Hep C scandal, The Fr Malloy death, Shergar, The X Case, The Grangegorman Murders and a whole lot more
God Ive so many I could name .....Dexter is one to name a few...Criminal minds...CSI Miami...One born every minute...apart from these I dont really watch much on TV/Internet.....Jilly
Enjoyin "Suits" and luvin "The Walking Dead" -- Opposite ends of the gore spectrum!
Absolutely loved Entourage - devastated when it was all over :-(