No he does not!!
I don't care if the man has 4 Mistresses that is his own buisness, the press have no right to interfere in his private life, simply because he is Tiger Woods..
It is simply gutter reporting as usual, and about time it was stopped, in France everyone has the right to privacy under Law, about time it was introduced in other Countries.
No...dora, you may want to add more options to your poll.
The only person he has to explain himself to is Mrs Woods...what business is it of anyone else ffs.....
So Much for explaining to Mrs woods:eeek:
:laughabove::laughabove:she obviously didnt like his explanation Titan:sparring::sparring:
What's there to prove??
Innocent until proven Guilty!!
Jaesus,I'd hate to be in front of a jury on this site.....pmsl....
Brill Titan
at least the man has shown he is human
"let he who has not sinned cast the first stone or golf ball"
Nope he doesnt need to explain to the media - only to his wife
I mean lets face it - if he was an ordianry joe soap no one would bat an eyelid and before someone says - "but hes in the public eye" - hes there because of his golfing skills.
Very true all attitude
no badness in the tiger, he is just another horny ducker like most men let's be honest bout it
The fact that His little fling made the news makes me sick, it was reported before a solider who lost his life. Now that is the real world not some stupid little man who couldnt keep it in his trousers. The only thing he has to explain to his fans is "why the hell he was drink driving????"
Very good Titan lol..........The whole story is absolutely pathetic, its a typical media parasite fest, with nothing concrete but only armchair expert speculation. Yes if i was a betting man i would say he did have an affair, the problem is how many with and can Tigers Yes Men keep a lid on it. If we all lived our lives as good as Tiger did (up to this) we'd all be better off, he's a great man who's achieved great things. The question is though, has he been bold enough to end he's contracts with he's endorsements. Like kerry Kotona did with Iceland
Think thr media love to build people up so much these days. They put celebrities / sportsmen etc on a pedestal and then when something happens they can't wait for an excuse to knock them off it again.