just been looking at some of the adds in the forums and just realised that some lads must think they are great just leaving a message anyone for a shag or something like that and expect to get a reply i know that there are a lot of us single males but at least we could make a go at it and put some effort into it instead of just thinking that we should get it whenever we want it! I just want to know what everyone else thinks about these adds its just that there are so many of them!
Thanks for reading this!
yours sincerely tombo!:P
I would be of the same opinion as you, you have a lot of competition on here as a single male and unfortunately you have to try and stand out from the rest. But a lot also get talking to folks in the chat room and develop rapport with people that way and dont bother to alter they're 'minimalist' adverts. But you do make a valid point.
Simple Reply Tombo.....
Speak for yourself...
What other people do and post on the site..once it is in the Terms and Conditions of the site is their own business....and why are you reading them so often...
Kind regards
im just saying really lads have to make a bit more effort instead of sending mails sayiny "fancy sucking my cock" it just wont work thats all im saying!