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Cum sluts..

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Picking up on a few comments around swing , stories ect.. I was wondering , what is the male perspective on women? who swing.. Not wanting to start a war of the sexes, just really interested, do men really view us as little more than someone to dump a load in?
I see your point Dora, but I am hoping some men do reply, is it because many do not want to really discuss how they view women on sites like swing ect??
smile loaded question me thinks.... but hear goes................ as the male in a swing couple,the first of many issues we had to get our heads around was watching 1 another actually fuck other people...thats a big 1 to get your head around for starters.. as for women swinging i dont have any hang ups or problems with it,,,, do women not enjoy sex as much as men??? i reckon they do and if its good enough for men its good enough for women as for dumping a load in you,, around you,, or on you,, well sometimes there is love making and sometimes there is sex........
Thanks Nibbles for replying. do women not enjoy sex as much as men??? I reckon they do and if its good enough for men its good enough for women.. Totaly agree with you on this point, and thank god it is the case, but, and not wanting to use other members posts, there does seem to be a lot of guys who do get brushed off when they are crude in ads ect.. Women do seem to respond with favour to guys who appear to show respect, and it's not an age thing either, a lot of younger guys are very respectful towards women on site. From a womans perspective, it is rare on a site for a woman to simply place an ad stating, cock wanted, come dump your load in me.
Exactly Dora, persoanly I couldn't give a toss if guys have viewed me as a slut, it is what I think of myself that matters, but I do abhor that women are sluts men are studs bollix, and it still very much exists.. On swing sites especialy I think it is easier for a woman who is part of a couple, I imagine they get a lot more respect than single females..
not so sure about women getting respect whether or not being in a couple...we have both jo and i,,some rotton mails and whispers from single males.. i think it depends on the person,, if they are mature enough or not either u respect women and treat them as equals,,or live in the stone age,, as for peeps being called sluts or studs,,i think either way its your own hang up,,walk tall an feel proud,,its not a dress rehersalboys n girls,,this is our 1 an only life............. unless u know something i dont lol
Quote by user=addiesfun
Picking up on a few comments around swing , stories ect..
I was wondering , what is the male perspective on women? who swing..
Not wanting to start a war of the sexes, just really interested, do men really view us as little more than someone to dump a load in?

judging by some of the mail i think so yes,
ohhhhhh lordy im a slut lolboink
come on men , wheres your imput drinkies:drinkies::drinkies:
or are you to busy watching eastenders, lol
dunnoWish a few men would give an opinon
Slut,god I hate that word,that along with words like, nympho,slag, far as I'm concerned,were all invented, usualy by Religious, God fearing misogynists men, to deny the fact that woman had a sex drive, I do realise that Addies has a point, I have seen the fools in chat who think, for some strange reasion,that "hi baby hot cock here looking to fuck you" line is the ultimate in ! all I can say to that is, if they keep it up,get the mods to kick for viewing a woman as a vessal to dump a load in, Addies, if I ever thought I was that shallow, I'd have to give myself a good kicking, for me the most erotic organ is the brain and the girls I have spoken to in the chat rooms and at the meet+greets,are some of the funniest ,smartst, sexest, people it has been my honour to know.
Really the true meaning of Swinging, has to be respect for partners, have a bit of fun, stay safe, and a sense of humour does the risk of offending some of the members here, this really comes with experience, and some self confidence. If your only in the scene to satisfy yourself at the expense of someone else...your options will dry up fairly fast....might be easier for these individuals to stay at home, and they can call their "hand" all the names they want...
Thanks Head and Aviator for taking the time to reply,with some great points, it is good to get a mans point of view on the subject, and wonderful that you both respect women especialy those who swing, for their sexuality and personality. It is all about respect, and it cuts both ways, everyone experiences and enjoys one off sexual encounters, but I do think a level of respect is required by both parties. Bonkin raised a great point about her mail, how it reflected how men saw her as a slut on swing, sad but true..
interesting discussion Addies, as head46 said they are very nasty terms used for women who are open about theyre sexuality, personally I like to think I am respectful, saying that I think all men at some stage have been known to utter some 'choice' words but purely in a heated moment of passion, never in day to day addressing them. And as for my opinions on women that enjoy swinging, do I see them as a sperm receptical purely for my enjoyment?...hell no!!!, I get my enjoyment out of sharing an experience with a woman i certainly wouldnt enjoy it knowing she ws going through the motions or doing it to avoid an awkward moment. Be it soft love making, or a heated 'rip the knickers of me big boy' moment, I still remain a gent and respect the fact she is entrusting in me her safety and investing herself to a mutually satisfying experience, I know that might sound wishy washy but I always see it as that, sex is a shared experience, and the ways in which the experience is shared may vary greatly but its still a reciprocal thing. Labels are labels and if some feel they need to use them that's all well and good for them. I am who I am, true, I'm a horny bugger but i'm a decent enough fella too, I am a firm believer that its nice to be nice, and after that they can take me or leave me. just my two bob.
Excellent Make!!!!!!!:clap::clap:
make hun :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
well now....andy here....i think respect for someone as a person, a human being, is a necessity no matter what ur relationship is - friend or foe, man or woman, sexual or platonic - and it has to be said that, yes, there are some men on here who are nothing but respectful to the women they encounter on here. Having said that, how does anyone know if that respect is genuine, or a front to get what they want? Now head and make i don't know personally, but seem like reasonable enough chaps to me, and make certainly always gives pretty much everyone the sort of respect i'm talking about (can't say for head, only seen him on chat once), and i can personally assure u all that mr nibs is someone u can trust to respect you, but i know that there are a not-inconsiderable number of men on here who will show that respect only as long as they are getting what they want, or seem likely to, and as soon as that chance goes they can show their true colours. I also think that the fact that the site is moderated, along with the rules set down for the use of the chat rooms, makes it dificult for anyone who isn't prepared to offer that respect to continue using it. Convention makes us all polite when we have to be, it's when we don't that the truth will out. To me a slut isn't about how many men a woman is prepared to sleep with in a given period of time, or how she goes about getting those men, it's about a lack of self-respect, and respect for your partner(s).
Firstly Andy, Thank you for the nice comments, As i always say I am what you see. feck the false veneers and the fake modesty. secondly your words ring very true, and are a bit more articulate than what I had to say but put across the same point, those that are true to what this site is about stay for the long run and the others lose interest and look for they're quick thrills elsewhere. Makemyday0126.
thanks for the compliment dora....a cpl of things to add to my previous post....firstly is that in my experience a man will call a woman a slut if they will sleep with other men but not them, but if they get it as well they probably won't - at least until the liason is terminated. Sour grapes is the phrase that comes to mind there. Also, in my experience women are much more likely to call other women sluts than men. Second thing is this - this isn't an issue about behaviour, it's an issue of social convention and control. Even b4 the Mongol hordes brought penis worship to western europe men have wanted to control womens behaviour (if u have ever watched gorillas in the wild u will see that this behaviour is certainly not restricted to humans, and you can step much further away from our species and still see it in action - cows, sheep, in fact most social animals), but the pagan faith didn't allow for this because it's a matriarchy. With the onset of the Abrahamic faiths (Christianity, Judaeism, and later on Islam) men had a social construction that was based around men. Bear in mind all these religions have codified the subservience of women to men in their teachings. They also all have strict behavioural codes designed to restric the freedom of women. While we live in a society that denies basic parts of the human condition (sexual enjoyment and self-determination) to one part of the population, anyone from the excluded sector is subject to vilification from the main. Anyone who tries to live their life in a way proscribed by societies controling interests (religion in this instance) is likely to be ostracised, harrassed, and abused. cheers Andy
Andy, I'm Inviting you to my Next candle lit supper....if I can ever find them nice dandy candles that habittat used to sell before they closed the shop in galway...alas.. I recon your spot on there with the conformity thing, and the control Thing, maybe the cartoony images of us in our stone age days dragging women back to the cave by the hair of the head wasnt hokum after all.
Im a believer that we all have a rite to do and say as we please and not be judged for as we are not interfering with others who dont want to take part then where is the should not be treated differently because they enjoy the end of the day we should all be happy wit what/who we are and where we are goin in life and enjoy the people we meet along the way and try not to be 's for taking the time to read my oppinion and i hope sum1 agrees. John
Wow such excellent replys!! Respect for the opposite sex and same sex does seem to be the key, for both men and women.. Losmags is so correct many men will feign respect, especialy on sites, to gain the ultimate goal, but I think they fall short because the vast majority of women on sites do respect their sexuality, and this confuses many men. A lot of men on sites also respect women, so the fools are not given much credence. Losmags I totaly agree with this point, but the pagan faith didn't allow for this because it's a matriarchy, but this in itself caused problems, Biologicaly a woman is conditoned by her womb, later when Christianity ect became the norm this conditioning became social, now heaven help the woman, who thinks beyond her womb, and recognises her clit and G spot come first so to speak, what is she in mainstream society??...a slut....this reinforces your point that many women are equaly scathing of women who fuly embrace their sexual needs. Likewise a man is biloligaly conditioned to sow his seed, socialy he is conditoned to seek out the perfect vessel, yes he can sow his oats, but he is conditoned from an early age to avoid the loose girls.. They are only for fun... A few months ago a prominent Pyscologist in Ireland produced a report, claiming that ladettes were forcing young guys to take viagra, in the search for the perfect nights pleasure, she berated this new girl culture, how they were risking the health of these poor young men, now ironicaly she forgets, in the past, the young men pumped the young ladies full of booze to make sure they got their full nights pleasure. I am using this just as an example to show that, regardless of how far women think they have come in equaling men, socialy we haven't, the term slut, will always be used, both by men and women.. Head is correct is is a disgusting term, and cumslut especialy is gross.. Rgasmik69, think you hit the nail on the head, it doesn't matter what we do sexualy, woman or man, as long as we don't hurt others in the process, and drop the labels.
too deep for me this week lol, but andy made a great point . and in my opinion yes the word slut is usually directed toward a woman by a man she wont sleep with. as a cple the word slut along with many other sex related words are fine in the bed room in some situations ,but as a remark off disrespect it,s big no no .
Well I’m not up to Andy's intellectual ramblings but I have to say I hate the word slut in any context but especially when it comes do describing women. I find the mature attitude that a lot of women have here to sex is refreshing and oh so welcome in this little country of ours, never though I would see the day. Sex and making love are two completely different things in my humble opinion, sex just for the enjoyment of it is great, making love is for a couple in a long term secure relationship, no prizes for guessing which you get on here. As for respect well you get the best from people when you treat them with respect in every situation not just swinging. If guys are meeting with girls from here or any were and they think they are sluts and have no respect for them and sleep with them anyway, well they are probably deeply unhappy people themselves and deserve our pity as much as anything else.
All I can say to that is WOW los, its so refreshing to see a man put his understanding to words, and to know and understand that long before man and main stream religion took hold that we did indeed live in a matriach. worship
Addies in reply to that again it purely comes down to conditioning of the masses by the few, "ie" religious orders!
Quote by user=makemyday0126
I'm Inviting you to my Next candle lit supper....if I can ever find them nice dandy candles that habittat used to sell before they closed the shop in galway...alas..
I recon your spot on there with the conformity thing, and the control Thing, maybe the cartoony images of us in our stone age days dragging women back to the cave by the hair of the head wasnt hokum after all.

Actually make in the stone age it was the women who did most of the gathering ;)
So glad this was brought up, I've had something I've wanted to say for ages on this subject: I've often heard this idea that if a woman has a lot of (or even more than a few) sexual partners she gets called a 'slut', where a man with a comparable number of bedpost notches is a 'stud'. Personally I've got two problems with this. First of all I don't think there's any such thing as a slut. I genuinely believe that word says far more about the person who says it than the person it's directed at. Jealousy, misogyny, prudishness, take your pick. On the other hand we have the whole 'stud' thing. I have never. Ever. EVER heard anyone in real life refer to a man as a 'stud' unironically. Think about it, have you ever actually heard that term used in anything resembling seriousness? It doesn't happen. Certainly not among straight men discussing other straight men, whom this myth is presumably about. If a man is successful with a lot of women he's far more likely to be called a 'wanker' or 'insufferable smug bastard' than anything else.
Does that mean we'll have to change some usernames around here then?
'insufferablesmugbastard_and_sexy' doesnt have quite the same ring to it.biggrin
Sorry Jorge and Rose, worship
Your right jimmy I've never heard a guy that has lots of multiple partners being called a stud, but I have heard of ones being called a whore master...again the offence being cast on the women and not the man...and even worse this term I've only heard used by other women!!
well, i've never actually called anyone a stud, but i have a friend who makes (stars in rather than directs lol) porn movies, and i've called him a sex god a few times, only half in jest! Just as a clarification addies, and by no means detracting from your point, conditioning is external....what u were talking about regarding wombs is a biological imperative, i.e. continuation of the genome, and it's programmed into almost all of us. also buxy, in hunter-gatherer tribes dating from paleolithic times onwards evidence suggests that the tasks were divided according to ability rather than gender, something our society would do well to emulate. i'd like to thank everyone for their contributions in the wake of my apparent hijacking of the thread, and apologise to addies for said appropriation...sorry hun Andy