The Team gathered for a picture
I'm trying not to laugh in the picture because i had just spotted Friar Tucks new haircut. As bad as my own dodgy perm was, that pudding bowl cut wouldn't look good on anyone.
Put us down for the job of Dr Cockfoster, Robin's doctor, and his randy nurse, Erotica!!
Welcome, enjoy the story, Padds
quote user=swing2wex]Put us down for the job of Dr Cockfoster, Robin's doctor, and his randy nurse, Erotica!!
Robin bloody Hood & his band of Merrymen...ha di ha ...Robin & his gay men more like ... Goody 2 shoes Robin might be my half blood Prince ...but I am SHERRIF Alan Ball
...but I SHERRIF Alan had the power & the guile ... blood is not thicker than water ... blood is for spilling ... & I intent to spill the blood of Robin & his band of merrymen
and Prince John is intent on bullying the peasants into paying life-threatening taxes so as to fund the Islamaphobic atrocities perpetrated by his brother, the French-speaking King of England, Richard, "Coeur de Lion", a true Christian Soldier!
Rain had sneaked into the story via Padds stopover in Waterford, many pages ago. She had stowed away in the cargohold amongst the vittles. Unfortunately, discovered the rum and consumed a tad much and fell into a deep slumber, only to wake up hungover and confused many many pages later. Decided she would be quite content just to be one of the peasants and wait patiently for Robin Hood to discover her hidden talents...
Little did Rain know that Robin had already come across (not like that you perverts) Rain during her slumber and had lifted her skirt for a little peek at what pleasures might lie within. His gaze lingered on her body for too long and he found himself having to adjust his codpiece. Hearing a noise without he withdrew, luckily for Rain as she would have missed all the fun.
She was sitting patiently when Robin returned. He said stand and deliver. Rain eyed him up and down and said No big boy I think thats your job. She dropped to her knees and tore open his tights with her teeth. His codpiece burst forth nearly decapitating Rain, who merely smiled at Robin and said As the hurricane said to the coconut tree, Hold onto your nuts this is no ordinary blow job.
Step aside Rain, Ive been too long in the forest with Robin, you don't stand a chance. Maid Marion pulls off her poor defenensless Robin from rain's clutches, "let me show you how its done, you can practice on Friar Tuck, he could use a good woman like you. Robin is destined only for his Maid Marion and you cant mess with tradition. But as Marion took robin in her capable hands, as only she could, she heard a noise in the distance...the scary sheriffs men were approaching. With income levy's in top of tax and prsi, the sheriff was a force to be reckoned with. Marion was nervous as tensions ran high...
Marion had been snatched by the evil sheriff, she paced the floor of her tiny cell high in the tower of the castle. Would Robin and his band of merry (tipsy) men be able to save her before the sheriff claimed her chastity (like anyone is falling for her still being chaste after five minutes in Robin's company), or ould they leave her in the tyrants hands?
with his pitter-patter method of torture, which entailed Rain's squirting fountain maintaining a distance of just outside the prisoner's tongue length. Mmmmmmmm, very tortuous indeed!!!!!!!!!
Although rain was delighted at having discovered a talent hidden even to herself, she quite liked maid marion and thought, if she were able to reason with the pretty maid, she was sure she would be able to get her to forget about old fogey traditions and try some new and kinky variations on the classic story... But until the maids rescue, rain amused herself by going on a little meander to find the recommended friar tuck, hoping he was as good as his name..only with an 'f' instead of a 't'.. sorry can't help it i am a mere peasant after all
Well.. even peasants have manners, so Rain thanks Prince John profusely for using her in his pitter patter torture only a peasant should..down on her knees.
the Alan the Sherrif of Swingham, was on a monastic retreat,
Alan Sherrif of Swingham would return with new vigour to deal with the peasant Rain, the Knight Lancelot & bringers of the truth MulderTcell ... blood would be spilt ...
Triar Fruck,
Had infact fled, Sherwood Forest for the week-end, now had to read over the last few posts, too catch up of the who's who's and who's been at what in the forest!!
Rain is not afraid of Alan the Sheriff of Swingham, she is actually rather well connected and is only disguised as a peasant on a recce mission. She is in fact a princess from the yet to be discovered kingdom of Bapetikosweti..just a little to the left of Tramore. The Bapeti's are a blood thirsty,horny people..screwing and pillaging their way through Ireland. Be afraid very afraid.
Triar Fruck indeed! I will deal with you on another page:rascal:
Triar Fruck,
Showed no concern over Rain's threats, infact, he could show that babe a thing or too!!! but waited with baited breath!!
Triar Fruck on his return had found the following:
Had that Damsel MeMe left her trail, to entice Maid Marion and the gang off the scent........
The Sheriff had made one fatal error. The first nite in his castle fortress he unfortunately went sleepwalking right off the main parapet. The fall was long and Alan woke halfway down and thought to himself, If only I had given maid marion a good seeing to at least I wouldnt feel so bad. The ground was appproaching fast now and the sherriff mused on life, the universe and everything for a moment or two. The last thing to go through his mind was ........................ his ass.
Robin and Little John watched as he fell. Whats he doing Robin said Little John. I think he's trying to fly. Oh and can he Robin. Robin watched silently and then turning to Little John remarked only if bouncing counts.
Right wheres maid marion it time the merry men and I gave her that gang bang she wants. To the tower, men.
Meanwhile in the dungeon Rain had Friar Fuck suspended in her newly built swing. she positioned him carefully and raising his casock mounted him in one swift movement. He looked up at her and said confess your sins my child. Friar we dont have enuff time and you wont last long enuff to hear them all. Hah my child thats what the 9 vestial virgins said. Rain thought if I only had someone to shut him up this would be a good fuck.
Triar Fruck,
On reading MuldernT's Post,,,,, took his rug off and cassock and handed them to him......gone,,, and he fled the forest.
Meanwhile, the Prince is overwhelmed with desire for the unusually graceful peasant girl poised on her knees to perform an act to deflate his rigid prowess.
Meanwhile, the afore mentioned Dr Cockfoster made sure that the lovely Maid Marion and the somewhat horny Robin attended his clinic for the usual medical, mainly done on the excuse that Robin needed to renew his crossbow licence. As the two of these merry men 9well merry man and merry woman, had they been tasting too much Sandeman port?) entered the good doctor's clinic, they were met by the deviant nurse, Erotica. She ordered them both to strip off, despite the fact that they only had a headache, and proceeded to check the two of them in a most thorough way. Erotica did such a good job in this medical that Robin may not need a crossbow, his long staff was man enough for any job, man or woman. As for poor Marian, she was such a quivering heap of jelly, she was in no fit state to stop Dr Cockfoster taking her internal body temperature with his red bulbed thermometer. As Marian was now almost on her last breath due to extreme stimulation, erotica had no alternative but to administer mouth to mouth, well at least this would save Triar Fruck having to administer the last rights. While this was going on, the good Dr Cockfoster, he that originally practiced in Gloucester, had done more tests on Robin, including the usual grab of the long staff to check for hernias, and had made sure that all was in working order for any future battles of the sexes, or just plain sex for that matter. As the two maid their way out to the waiting Little John in his latest model horse drawn cart, he had to use some of his ill gotten gains for personal pleasure, they sat there in their still naked state, carrying their clothes under their arms, and asked themselves, "Was this real or was it a dream"?
Padds returned. after frolicks...
Jumped off his horse and grabbed back his wig and cassock.
He had his hair done!
Wash, cut and bj
Rain,the peasant/princess was now totally lost deep in the forest,she had given chase after triar fruck so rudely left her swing, but without his cassock to hinder him, he did a blinding Usain Bolt impersonation, leaving poor Rain all alone, naked(well except for the lacy hold-ups and ye olde kinky boots) and frightened...
fear not Lady Rain for the Sherrif will rescue you from the forest ... & I have plans for you and your thigh high boots ... and I see some other potential allies in the good Doctor Cockfoster & the Nurse Erotica ... between us all we can give Robin, his merrymen & the Maid (maid indeed)Marion a good seeing too ... however the Sherrif was concerned that neither Robin or the Lady Marion had been seen in Swingwood of late ... had Robin lost the plot ... where was the maid hiding ... the Sherrif would have to send a search party & no bush would be left un-turned .... Guards "go find Little John & torture him till his pips squeek ... and if he wont talk get Marion's maid the mistress Bonns"
It was then that King John made an edict that all the women in the land were to cum and pay him homage at Cunnymede. The cuckolded males agreed so long as he signed a scroll named the Magna Carta. And so, the British Constitution was conceived!
I think King John also invented the word fuck, no, im not being rude.. Fornicating Under Consent of King... You had to give us permission??? Feck that said Rain, I think i will stay lost in the forest, some of these bushes and stalks around the place are beginning to look pretty interesting..
Meanwhile Maid Marrion was still stuck in the tower waiting to be saved by the valient Robin. The sherrif was taunting her with the fact that no rescue attempt had yet been made. "There is no escape for you now Marion, your precious Robin and his band of outlaws are not going to save you this time" he jeered, "You shall be my bride this sunday" Marion glanced out through the small window, to the dense forest where she belonged. It seemed so far away now. And as she gazed whistfully she thought, "I'll really have to make Robin some more practical clothing, he takes far too long to get into those tights". She turned to the sherriff and dramatically cried "i'll die before I become your bride". She just hoped robin and her friends would rescue her before it came to that.
Rain was right, there were stalks moving to and fro in the bushes in the forest; it was the men in tights getting what could be their last taste of sex before making an assault on Nottingham Castle. It was their wish that if they didn't make it back, then at least their seed would be planted to carry on the bloodline of such noble warriors.
And so, it came to pass that whilst Maid Newbs was fretting about being rescued, Robin and his merry men were fucking their brains out with a horde of buxom, winsome wenches in the forest. Rescuing Newbs was being put on the long finger for now.
Maid Marion felt the panic rise up inside her as she listened to Prince Johns words, were Robin and the Merry men too busy at an orgy to rescue her? Would she really have to marry sheriff alan on sunday? Surely they would not abandon her like that, they were like a family to her. "No, I can't and won't believe it, Prince", she announced, "in the tradition of epic tales, they are simply biding their time to make the most dramatic entrance at the last moment". The Prince simply laughed, "who are you trying to convince, me...or yourself" and with that he left. She gazed out the window once more..."Where are you?"