the upcoming shagfeast was important would the knife be able to pull it off lips newbie was going to spill the beans on the job in hand. like all hoist jobs timing was inportant. lips was worried bout clyde cos he was famus for coming to soon and never worried bout time. were as bonny liked to play with guns and make sure they where clean after fireing bofore any job could continue. so friday nite it was that the most feared criminals of all time was to meet and play out the positisions needed to make the job cum together.
to cum before the play is not a good day
Upon hearing that the shagfest was goin down this Friday, in some gin joint between the southside of Gangville and the dirtiest town in the west, Shaggers Creek, the law were bound to try find out what was going to happen. The Fedora wearing, cloke clad, Sandeman (yes, Tom the knife had merely winged him) showed his true identity, a member of the Chicago law enforcement society that had got lost somewhere during the making of the Blues Brothers. Would the identity of the location be kept secret or would the whole thing be exposed both by the law and the Sunday World? Would this meeting of the best minds of the fornication underworld have the night of all nights, and a good plate of pasta, making use of both the true and fake phallus. yes folks, their heist was that good they came away with both. On the other hand, would the Sandeman spoil the day and drift in the door with his trademark "Well hello the Tom the knife, cut me in on the deal". Did you honestly think that the Sandeman upheld the law by the book, like hell he did, he was not beyond breaking the law to try keep it, but this time had he bitten off more than he could chew?
tommy the knife was puzzled looking at his pasta dish he was making for the gang , it didnt have the usual spark it always had as his mind was on other things , he quickly phones his relatives in italy and had them make up a special batch and drop it into the special delivery service to have it in town just b4 the gang were due to arrive ! he also had learned that he didnt do the job write on the sandyman and this was not good as the knife always got his target and was sure not to miss the next time !!!! meanwhile the swing2tex gang were working on there secret desert to suduce lips newbie and bonns , and to drug the knife and clyde ! but little did they know lips newbie was making a special batch of bakes and was going to seduce all into her way of thinking !!!! {will tommy the knifes special delivery of pasta do the trick , ? will swing2texs deserts fool them all ? and will lips newbies bakes sort the whole gang out for a rampant night of fun ???}
Padd's pondered was Sand still here? should he give out "huggs"
What happended to Lancelot? Padd's was upset for being called " bad Padd's"
Prefered to be called "Ranker", at least Padd's knew he was good at that!
Mean while.........
Lucky Ball wondered what he should waer to the meet...
Lucille Ball wandered into the scene and calmed the nerves of all with yet another run of "The Lucy Show".
Where was Alan (Dezi) or bad Padds with his affinity for J. Arthur?
Eh bad Padds with his affinity for J. Arthur?
And that accurate picture representation has so befuddled the untouchable Lance, that it has distracted him from his relentless ambition to incarcerate Bad Padds in Sing-Sing. Lips Newbie had him infatuated with desire, so much so that he even considered whispering to her in the chatroom. Would his uncontrollable libido overwhelm him so as to cause him to commit such a despicable act?
as Lucky Ball was not going to the shagfest ... the cops were trailing him & he didn't want to compromise the others ...Lucky Ball though he would also hide out the weekend in waterford ... afterall Padds had stayed hidden there for weeks ... the crystal city seemed like a good hiding place ...and while there he could...........
visit the gangster molls in the the crystal city
... who had been waitin for Lucky Balls or maybe they just wanted to win the Lotto
All this talk of Shagfest! Padd's pondered would he ever get a " Pizza" the action? Grounded in Waterford for some time now, but his days there where numbered and he was on his return, guns blazing. But what had Padd's all worked up?
Padd's, after his long break in Waterford, was horrified to discover as he left Alan Ball had arrived!
All this talk of Bad Padds and Lancelot, had challenged Padd's he had done some investigation of his own, he was concerned that Lance had taken a dislike to him, for what ever reason?
Padd's soon realised, he had nothing to worry about........
But that inturn, had Lance
Was Padd's on the Wagon? or in the Wagon?
the bonns left the clyde behind for a break went to waterford and low and behold who did she meet only alan ball and cutie and dara4 but the bonns could not join them as she was in hiding she was up set she wanted some of there action she was in her hotel room :upset::upset::upset:she had been out on the town with all the lady gangsters but bonns will get alan ball soon she wanted him she wanted to have a 4 sum with them so she is going to arrange for a meeting of all the heads for the different gangs she wants a very very large shagfest will alan be ready cutie newbie thomasbiglad we will see bonns who is the hornistdevil i know :devil::devil::doggy::doggy:
Padd's was right afterall, all the heads wanted a "Pizza" the action lol there then became a GANGLAND conference, all too attend, but where, when and hosted by whom?.......
Padds was right,a meeting of the family was required...was there a venue auspicious enough to hold the top secret meeting .... Don Corporal Jones was very choosey about where he traveled...he worked hard to keep his identity a secret
Padd's new, Bonnyclyde:
Where putting this conference together, but when.....
The Sindo Gang were heard to be lurking in the bushes & threatening to blow the caper .... but Don Clyde Correlone, wasn't worried, he knew there were no stollies n the family & they watched out for all...all for 1 & one for all
there were so many good card games to play...
Lips Newbie finally managed to outrun the law and return to her hideout in saftey. She was exhausted. Between the shagfest and the run from the law, she needed rest. As some of the boys started to play cards,
She just had to focus on the job, once this job was done she would have the money to sit back and do whatever she wanted. She could just take off, leaving this life of crime behind her, it was all riding on this heist.
but was the Golden Phallus really worth the bother ... could they sneak into the award ceremony and pull it out from under their noses ... and how could they keep the Sindo World Gang off their trail long enough ... it was all in the details ... a gang conference was needed ... but the gang had lives to lead & some even had jobs ...Alan though a virtual conference may be the key ... the sites new extras would allow a distant meeting of minds ... a date & time was required ...
Padd's ponders, should he create a group?
Then we could all hold a video conference in privacy on site? A private room!
Answers on a postcard please
tommy the knife had realised we were all starting to forget the plot to the story and was going to have to get everyone back in sinc !
The shagfest was over ! waterford was no longer the hiding place and everyone was back in the hold up working out there jobs , bonnynclyde had finished the paint job on the new hide out , lips newbie was done running from the law, alan the ball was back from the southwest with the cctv info we needed ! right all whats the plan ? when we doing this heist? asked tommy the knife , as he polishes his new boots , well said lips newbie we need to sort who's doing what and when we are doing it , we have the plans the guns the cars , well 2 and a half cars if you count bonnynclydes shot up motor ! so lets get down to business!! just as the gang were settling down for the meeting the door suddenly bust open it was ...............
It was Lips Newbie, "Right guys, the job is going down tonight, we are getting heat from the law so we will have to get in and out as quick as possible" Lucky (alan) Ball was already at the venue taking out the security cameras, by bopping the camera men over the head. It was a stroke of luck that cameras in this era were both slow and manually operated, making Lucky Balls job easier. Bonnie and Clyde were busy loading their weapons for the diversion in the main hall, they would be taking Padds and a few other trusted members with them. Lips Newbie was to head back to the vault to take the real Golden Phallus. She was one of the best safe crackers in the business but this one was bigger than anything she had handled before. She was taking the Knife with her to help, word on the street was that he could charm safes open with just words alone. Lips hadn't seen him crack safes before but she had seen his skills at talking other things into opening and was confident of his skills, she was grateful he was on her side. She was nervous, she had never taken such big risks before, and she was risking the lives of those close to her also. She turned to the group, "I just want you to know, in case things don't go to plan tonight, you guys are like family to me. Its not goi8ng to be easy tonight, we all need to watch each others backs. And remember, be careful out there (cue hill st blues music)". Never before had so much been riding on a job for Lips, she could only hope they would all get out alive.
Padd's grabs provisions, and some techie supplies!!
Knowing that Mr Lucky (great m8) Alan had sorted the Cams.
Padd's was on the Phone too Bonnie and Clyde, texting.......
lips Newbie was heading to the vault, to collect that Golden Phallus, confident that she knew how to break safes ( she is a cracker!) The Knife dressed in black for the occasion followed in her shadow, ready to jump to any intruder that stood or posed a threat to Lips.
Bonns and Clyde in the interim, had cars arranged, he had infact bribed the PSNI on his last visit north to SAINSBURY'S
So the scene was set............. we where all ready..... but for what?
Padds may not have been completely familiar with the final details of the plan, but it didn't matter, Bonnie and Clyde would look out for him. He had missed some of thye meetings trying to shake off lance, he didn't want to bring heat onto his friends. they all knew he could be trusted, and once he got a gun in his hands he knew exactly what to do. He had brought a car from the future which was sure to outrun the law. The gang were getting ready to leave, and thinking everyone was outside, Lips let her guard down, and took a few moments to quiver with fear. She was scared, it was the biggest heist of her life, and she didn't know what to expect. She jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder, "its not too late to back out, there'll be other jobs", it was the Knife. "I can't" she replied, "I didn't know how badly I wanted this heist, but I know now I want this too much to back out now". He looked at her for a moment, "Ok, better put back on the tough brave act then, someones coming." Padds walked in, diffusing the moment, "Eh, what were we going to do tonight again?"
The crew assembled in a back alley outside the club. The festivities were well underway inside, with the bootleg liquor flowing freely. This counted in their favour as Lips knew the bootleggers and she had arranged for the shipment to the party to be laced with a mild sedative. It wasn't enough to knock anyone out but their reflexes would be slowed. "Bonnie, Clyde, Padds, you know what to do, well maybe not you Padds but just follow the others, give us 10 minutes to get in position in the vault, then fire up the guns. We will meet up in the next few days at the secret hidout, and be careful". Soon after Lips and the Knife were in the vault, they could hear the others shooting up a storm outfront. The safe was the toughest they had ever had to crack, but they finally got it open. Just as they were about to open the door of the safe there was a voice behind them, "Not so fast there little lady", it was Lance. He had been tailing padds when he saw the them slip behind to the vault. "Come with me Lips, and we can come to a special arrangement" "I can't let that happen Lance" said the Knife, producing his gun and pointing it at Lance. Shots fired, and almost like slow motion Lips saw a bullet heading for the Knifes chest. She leapt in front of the bullet, and fell to the ground. The knife leapt to her side, she turned her head towrads him revealing the bullet neatly caught between her teeth. She smiled, and grabbed the Knifes gun from the floor where it had fallen and fired one shot, hitting Lance in the forehead. The knife slapped Lips, "Don't ever do anything so stupid ever again"."its ok" she replied, "I saw darren brown do it on the telly".
The Knife didn't know his own strength and had inadvertantly knocked Lips Newbie out cold. After having seen every star possible in the Universe, she finally regained consciousness and through blurry eyes she noticed a strange crease on the neck of the prostrate Lance. She staggered to her feet and approached the alleged body of Lance. As she got nearer it dawned on her that she had, in fact, shot someone wearing a Lance-mask. He had been busy on another assignment and had delegated the duty of thwarting the heist to an underling prepared to disguise himself as Lance.
She slowly peeled back the latex mask, and to her shock and horror she realised that she had shot Sweeney Todd, the demon barber of Fleet St.
A shiver went down her spine as she wondered whether the demon barber had laid a curse on her before he took his last breath!
(aside. fair play Lance for getting the idea of writing yourself out of death, others have gone off crying 'ooo they killed me off' and gone off in a strop, so well done for getting with the spirit of the thing)
Meanwhile, the reign of gunfire could still be heard out front. Lips wondered how Bonnie, Clyde, Padds and Lucky Ball were getting on...