Confucius say
When the Lion is in the long grass it is no time for a picnic
Confuscius says like in the Boursin add:
When the tracteur is in the field, not right time for hanky-panky in the corn.
Confucius say;
Man who eat many prunes get good run for money!
Confucius Say
He who thinks by the inch and talks by the yard deserves to be kicked by the foot.
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.
Dumb man climb tree to get cherry, wise man spread limbs
Confucius say;
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
CONFUCIUS SAYS .........make love not war
Confucious say
Foolish man give wife grand piano, wise man give wife upright organ
confucius says Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses.
Confucius say;
The best time to go to the Dentist is tooth hurty.
Confucius say;
Homosexuals don't play chess because they don't want to sacrifice a Queen.
Confucius say
"Knob on top of Penis is to stop hand slipping off when having a wank"
Confucius say;
A chicken is the result of a sitting hen, while a baby is the result of standing cock.
CONFUCIUS SAY...... Almost anyone can do the first half of anything : only those who do the second half arrive
Dont drink and park ,accidents cause people .:evil2:
Confucius say;
Panties not best thing on earth, but next to it.
CONFUCIUS SAYS........the greatest victory is the one you win over yourself
Confucius say;
He who thinks by the inch and talks by the yard deserves to be kicked by the foot.
Confucius Say
Grease monkey who go to bed without bathing wake up oily in the morning.
Confucius say;
An Optimist is a girl who regards a bulge as a curve .....
CONFUCIUS SAYS....... Destiny is simply the strenght of your desires
Woman who cook carrots and peas in same pot not very sanitary.
CONFUCIUS SAYS...... "there is money to be made in the marketplace,but under a shady tree there is rest "
Man who pee on electric fence receive shocking news.
and being serious now............................
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do.