Yea its completely off topic, but sure feck, we have gardeners weekly disussing their onions, carrots and digging down the corridor, so why thw bloody hell not :giggle:....oh and answer to your Q I have no clue :P
I dont think you will find petrol anywhere cheap nowadays :fury: :fury:
theres actually a whole website dedicated to fuel prices!
???? Tallguy,did you buy a petrol driven sex toy or what???:crazy:
AA website keeps a county by county price check.
??? How can anything be 'off topic' on a Forum called "Anything Goes" ???
good point Marie.
Sky is blue, water is wet and soon they are coming to take me away HA HA HO HO HE HE.
OH sorry thought the thread was off head not ooops
buy a diesel car and go green
Wahhhhhhhheeeeyyyyyyyy welcome back virgo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Would they syphon your tank in the old fashioned way i wonder???? Nothing better than seeing a man sucking hard lol
About time you got back Long... the forums have been dead without you lol
Thats how i learned to suck cock lol
:giggle: I never knew you could get Diesel from a cock Raven
You would be can get some nasty stuff out of a cock lol
Mulder i did wonder how i got pregnant twice in a year and nine days lol..i thought the stork brought them lol