umm notice some folk on site have comments switched this automatic after a while or is it the individuals choice? ta.
you can choose to display or hide your comments.
Its done under your account settings under the privacy tab.
knowledge is a wonderfull thing
We have noticed the lack of comments on peoples profiles too and to be honest with the amount of messers and time wasters we are been put off meeting anyone with no comments if they have been on site for a while.
Has anyone ever seen any negative comments?? I haven't...which is a bit weird...or are they not allowed?? Which is a bit one-sided, isn't it ??
Negative comments aren't allowed. I was let down once by a member here and tried to place what was supposed to be a helpfull comment (to warn other members) but it wasn't allowed by admin. Mind you the member could have erased it after anyway so maybe not so bad but still.... There appears to be no official way of letting people know that kind of information..
when I said 'let down' I mean strung along for ages, plans made and then lines of communication cut off about 2 days before agreed meet with no explanation, that was soon after I joined and have had no similar issues with anyone since (touch wood....)
I rarely will meet someone who doesn't have comments on their profile - especially if they have been on site for a while, and even more so if they tell me they've met someone from the site.
As for the negative comments thing - it could be seen as one sided that only good comments are allowed be posted - but the old saying 'if you have nothing good to say, dont't say anything at all' definitely comes into play here. The absence of comments on a regular members' page who has met others sets off alarm bells for me.
I feel that if a person has been on here a good while and is not member verified or has a few comments I wudnt be inclined to easily trust them
I rarely put my face on cam , some people from my home town on here, and I could be recognised from other things iv done too, I wanna avoid that