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Hi Guys, Buboo and I are having a discussion about Cleavage. Out side of Sex, How nmuch Clevage should be on show and who has the best cleavage? Can you please give your opinion?
Well I do like a bit of cleavage most of the time but at family/work events there should be some bits left to the imagination although if its not ur family or your work then to hell with it!
Personaly i feel it is up to each woman to decide how much she wants to show, they are after all her breasts and up to her who sees them. I have mine on show no matter if the bloodly parish priest is around. I got them to flaunt themsillyhwoar:
:haha:A tiny bit of the areola peeping out is enough for church :giggle:
poke and how much cleavage for Confession...:evil2:
way to go raven lol I used to be ashamed of mine but now i do the same thing if there is cleavage showing there is cleavage showing i dont worry about it anymore xxxxxxxxxx
Not very often ye can't see mine lol they need to aired ya know :lol2: as they saying goes 'if ya got it flaunt it'. ;) Now what bout the mens cleavage innocent
:moon:As an owner of an.....ample bust. I spent years under long sloppy jumpers that where reminisent of tent like attire. Then i began to not give a shite......they are there no matter what.....n like a little caterpillar turning into to a butterfly i started to wear more fitted stuff and to heck with the my mams own words..shoulders back chest out be proud of what god gave ye.... Getting back on topic how much cleavage is too either way they draw attention...even in a polo neck..:moon:.whatever your comfortable with i'd say and feck the begrudgers.....
:giggle: shirt button open is enough for a man. I could see this thread changing to the 'builders bottom'
if you have em flaunt em and anyone who doesnt want to see them can simply stop staring sillyhwoar: for me their my best feature so I like to show them as often as possible :giggle:
Hi Guys, The reason why started this thread was that we were at a meal and there was a woman who was wearing a sexy top but had a t-shirt type top under neath which totally covered up her cleavage. While at the same time buboo was showing of hers. Buboo covers up during the day, but likes to flaunt in the evening
if youve got a clevlage then flunt it .....nothing sexier:angel:
Someone should have called the fashion police on that woman, it was a crime againts boobs:taz:
I could walk around top-less and no one would even notice:violin:
Quote by user=Virgogirl
I could walk around top-less and no one would even notice:violin:

only a blind man could take no notice... But if you want to put your theory to the test, feel free to walk thru a room topless... Am sure Mr M, löngjon & I would all stand to attention & applaud :bounce:
:bounce:sillyhwoar::bounce:..I definitely would stand to attention, although I might not applaud..:grin: I would be hoping my hands would be too bust....oops I misspelled busy :happy::happy:
Quote by user=alan-ball
I could walk around top-less and no one would even notice:violin:

only a blind man could take no notice... But if you want to put your theory to the test, feel free to walk thru a room topless... Am sure Mr M, löngjon & I would all stand to attention & applaud :bounce:
Longjon and Alan do you two show a bit of builders bottom to tease us ladies???:moon: Nothing draws the eye more than a full moon:moon:
:grin: can happen in the summer....brrrr..imagine a bare arse out there tonight :giggle:
Raven.... A full moon awaits ... Get out your telescope :giggle:
Long my arse has been bared in colder weather than this and teddy has nearly got frost bite a few times lol
Alan do you mean a microscope???? Oh no sorry we have seen both your full moon and your .......:wave2:kiss
Dont look Raven its too much for your innocent eyes. Alan put it away we have only just had one eclipse its too soon for another one. Longjon put that thing away you are not mooning if you are facing the person.:taz:
Quote by user=muldernTcell
Dont look Raven its too much for your innocent eyes. Alan put it away we have only just had one eclipse its too soon for another one.
Longjon put that thing away you are not mooning if you are facing the person.:taz:

Mulder that cracked me up....innocent eyes my arse:moon:
Ah can we not have another eclipse of all the male full moons here? Would mind been flashed either:giggle:
Raven I am afraid the last woman i flashed is still in a catatonic state. The doctors hope she soon emerges. Mrsm wears welders mask before releasing the beast. I myself have grown attached to it as......... well I am attached to it. As for mooning if I had an ass I might consider it. however cruelty to animals is frowned upon!!!!!!!!!
Quote by user=longjon
:giggle: shirt button open is enough for a man. I could see this thread changing to the 'builders bottom'

:bounce: I knew it ..I knew it would :giggle:
Well we couldnt disapoint you long:giggle:
which builder do you want Raven
:giggle: lads if raven doesn't want them I'll take all 3,:taz:all this talk of bottoms :moon: has me licking my lips,they all look like they could do with a good spank or perhaps a quick nibble :giggle:
:giggle:..Alan... the first fella is no good at laying bricks, the second fella wouldnt get his hands dirty, but the she is good at getting that big auger in and out of holes:grin: