Just to add our two cents again on this subject. We can see the reason for the limit and in theory think its a good idea. But ever since its introduction chat has become extreamly unstable. It hasn't made it any quicker just way more frustrating. We've never had so many frozen screens one miniute your chatting then next min the whole screen goes faint and you have to try and log in again. Trouble is that if you are in one of the busier rooms you may not be able to get back in. We also now have trouble logging in to start with which we never had before it can take upto 10 attempts. Couple that with getting dropped from a room mid conversation and taking 15 mins to get back in and the nice people you were chatting with think you have fecked off mid conversation. We have mentioned this stuff before at the start of the tread. Nothing seems to have been done about it and lately its gotten worse.