We defo agree,,,But,Have decided to spank you anyway..:rascal:
We have put it forward to Admin,,Amber,,and We'll get back when We hear anything,ok.
surely there must be some support for this! ... where are all the Bi's when you need them.
Admin has been made aware of the request and is looking into it...I'm sure in due time we will find out if it's a yea or nay....
Good thinking Amber, I'm behind you 100%, er, in a manner of speaking :mrgreen:
you might just have a point there Dora, maybe LBGT is the way to do the forum...perhaps a small poll on the options would indicate the prefered choice by the readers
No Alan but from the non response I take it that the man from admin he say noooooooooo :lol2:
Surely it needs to be looked into again, if your gay you do like to be classed as so the same for straight ppl, so why should the bi ppl here have to use either forum when they are neither gay nor straight?
Admin did Not say No. There are a good few other things on the list,,that the "Tech" guys are working on.
Trust Me,Your idea was put on a list,to be added here.
If the answer was No,,We'd have been told about it.
I'll give Admin a reminder about it later,,ok..
Will keep you posted!
From Time to time some of us Guys may find ourselves in a situation where we come in close proximity to another fella, e.g. DP etc, Now personally it doesn't bother me, but I have had a few guys tell me they would freak out, and that they arent bi, I dont think being able to perform in this way makes you bi? I think 'Horned up in the heat of the moment' would be a fairer classification.
Any thoughts folks?
No,,Titan,,That's Not Bi....
Sexual activity between 2 guys,,Now,,that would be Bi..
Amber,,Just to let you know,,that Admin was back in touch with Me,,and,,on Monday,,they will see if they can make the "Bi-Sexual" Forum a priority.
Hope this helps.....
Anytime,,Amber,,Doin' My best.........