Thinking it's about time I had a career change, so I'm interested to know what jobs you had that you loved, and which ones you hated.
Do any of you have a job that you bounce out of bed to get to in the mornings, or like me, any that you repeatedly hit the snooze button for before dragging yourselves out of bed??
The last job i had previous to my current job was by far one of the best jobs i could ever have created. Sailing school and powerboating based teaching and organising. Alas things change and i find myself looking around and thinking WTF.
But for every job i apply for it seems as tho my qualifacations are to much and many and yet for others maybe not enough. Where do i stand what direction do i go in.
But for the support of my lovely wife i would be lost completely.
mmmm where do i start had so many i suppose my first job when i left school working in a kitchen hated that.
Then i worked in retail for six years loved that had some goods laughs along the way.
Just like Biggles I also worked in a kitchen after leaving school, and hated it too.
The best job I had was working for a major cable tv supplier (not sky) when we lived in Dublin. Among the perks were free basic and premium tv such as sports movies etc, and free broadband too. And the pay was fantastic, with financial bonuses that have never been replicated elswhere.
But what I do now is my passion, and allows me to use my creative side. :idea: :thumbup:
I used to work in a factory that makes them big round meat blocks that spin for ages and ages in kebab shops.....
I was a student, and broke, and really needed the cash.
It was horrible, and i have never eaten a kebab !!!
Done all sorts over the years.... shops, bars, offices, sold toilet roll for charity, BT/Emergency Services Telephone Operator... but the best one always has been (and I think always will be) running a motorcycle training school in Scotland, 5 years of being wet, cold, windblown, being paid to ride my bike all day, on some of the best roads ever, with the satisfaction of seeing people coming out of the test centres with big silly grins on their faces when they passed their test..... ahhhhhh sigh.
working in a chipper at weekends while doing my apprenticeship always smelling of chips yuck
My Current Job I love, get to travel, meet new people most days.
Worst Job I ever had was in a Butter factory packing butter.....horrible.
got me first job at 10 on a slop wagon lol collecting slops for pigs lol got 2 bob a week hehe lots of money. then worked in bars for a few wears good tips pint cost 18p so nearly always got the 2p change lol. then got me first apprentice job as a chicken butcher yuck hated that 1 the smell on the bus in the summer crt. then me joined the army stayed for 23 years will never find another job like it no mater how hard i try. then worded as a manager in a petrol station would hav been beter if there was no customers :wank: then me got sick cry and now me cant get work more cry. now me the house hubby even more cry cry.
but always remember every mornin u wake up is a great mornin thats when life begins.
me was here lol
Best Job for me was RAF police NCO (tactical)
based in engerland, little ulster boy, no shortage of women, good money nice uniforms, time in far exotic lands, getting paid to learn to ski, skydive etc etc
Worst but probably the funnist jobs was my first in mc donalds. Used to have great craic although being 1 of only three females, I got locked on the freezer for a few seconds dirty pervs hoping to see some hard nipples, tipped out the drive through window, regularly had ice shoved down my top. .....
Now working in projects and thankfully love what I do
omg i worked in advertising jayus now that was brutal....but not as bad as wrkin for me exinlaws oh jayus im still in truma from it...:upset:
need a hug now :therethere:
Best job i ever had..been a mother, worst warehouse op