consider the following merits of SSC (sexford sexual certification)
SSC boasts the following credentials:
ECDL (European Clit Driving License)
VHI (Very Heavy Implement)
PRSI (Pussy Rodding Satisfaction Institute)
BsC (British Shagging Certificate)
AA (Arse Association)
PhD (Proper Hard Dick)
GAA (Guarantee of Absolute Arousal)
SIPTU (Sexual Insertions, Penetrations and Tooling Union)
UCC (Union of Challenging Cocks)
operated on a strictly first served, first cum basis
fee waived for first 1000 applicants
(not registered as a company in Ireland. est this afternoon)
is there a FAS course we can do to get certified
Always handy to have a qualification...
Can men get a similar quailification?
No need Alan, I'm FAS accredited (Firm Arse Spanking). For advanced students I'm also working freelance for the HSE (Hard Spanking Experts).
Sorry Titan, my equipment is currently only suitable for females.
It's all project work, Lovebird - I prefer a hands-on approach...
So many questions, so little time, whats a gal to do :bounce: :evil2:
for the questions:google
well i suppose you could wear your mums stockings again, dora. i'd have to employ an extra tutor for you though, i'd come up a bit short for your requirements...
I hear the oral exam is very hard. Do you give grinds?
Titan, I think it is fair to say you would be perfectly qualified already to be one an external examiner, just to ensure sexford maintains acurate grading standards.
grinds as required. in britain we call it cramming which brings me to the oral. i find stress can best be avoided by adopting a suitable angle and by doing so its possible to combine assessments.
May I take a friend into the oral exam with me?
Yeahhhhhhhhh LB;)
Okay I got me a sexy friend, not where do I sign up:small-print::uhoh:
yes, joint certification is to be encouraged and may well result in distinctions being awarded
is there a pre exam lesson ... after all there is pre driving exam lessons
I think it is important to be properly instructed before any examination should be considered
How many are in the class? or is it more of a tutorial? Maybe study groups could be arranged.
If there are fig rolls at break-times, I'm in!!!
I'm sure rabbits must be very clever as I think a lot of them are scientists. I've heard something about them working in laboratories.
Sexford maybe I should re word it
I am as innocent as a Rabbit :smile2:
I thought SSC was a Shares Services Centre.....Doh!:taz:
Thank god you found out in time Padds, you could have been in a very embarassing situation if you had gone to the wrong ssc for your finals.
as this course appears to be such a popular course, with lots wishing to partake... I hope it does not become a victim of its success and get cut by "An Bord Snip" ...