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Ok...wee note.....I must say I gotta love the avatars some people use. I think its a reflection of who they are. I have even thought...oh would love to meet that person, from their avatars...strange but On a personal note I love the avatars of my fellow sexy bbws.....curious, wors and rock!:inlove:
What about mine?? biggrin
SexyLatina had a cool one; a cool lady wit tha 2fingers sign summat like this flipa :smug: :P
Quote by user=jckb
What about mine?? biggrin

What about yours??
Tis a mixture of being funny and creeping me out...a dangerous combo if ever there was!......hehehe
ALT's one scare the bejaysus out of me.....and still makes me want to meet him....just to see if his smile is as evil!
mona i wish i cud take full credit 4 my avatar but it was worship who thought tis one suited me which i agree lol :thumbup: n u rock to hun heresinnocentworship:inlove::beer: to bbws
ah mona, my avatar isnt that scary is it?:grin:
Fusion has a cool 1 too .... Can I post it in here I wonder ... :O It's all black, I love black and has loadsa colours ermm splashed about tha place *Hastily retreats 2 think up of other word 4 splashed about while still able edit!* :lol2::giggle::O
Alt your one really does scare the crap outa me!!!!
and what about mine what does mine say about me???
Avatar choices actually reveal a lot more about the person then they actually realise, lots of study have been done on it!
I have been told im very suited to my avatar for some strange reason lol
....I change mine regularly depending on if I get one that catches my eye. Current one is a private Joke with someone on here.
my avatar was found for me by a dear friend who texted me at 2 am one morning and said get online now i found the perfect avatar for you and he had and i love it and it soooooo suits me and he knows who he is and thank you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxdragonstar
I found my avatar on a website about lingerie - feels like an echo from my past
I get a kick out of some of them, and knowing the people that have chosen them i can see why they would choose them. I must change mine, as i have had it for a good while now.. Sean xx
I love the avatars, I particularly like that people take a lot of time & put thought into choosing their avatar. Some people change their avatar to suit the season(christmas) or a special event (valentines). Avatar can indeed tell alot about the person, & I know that I have contacted people purely based on their avatar. My all time favourite avatar is no longer in use but the poster consistently picks great avatars for her posts.
They're just nice pictures / photos but don't tell us anything about the person apart from that.
True they are just pictures style, but there's people I know personally on here. When I see their avatar I know it suits their personality. I believe I was wonder woman in a past life pmsl :giggle:
Style beg to differ, if you read the forums and use chat or been fortunate to meet some of the people you will quickly realise that the avatar picture does indeed tell a 1000 words.
Quote by user=style5
They're just nice pictures / photos but don't tell us anything about the person apart from that.
I just love the effects they have on people, I just pick whatever ones catch my eye, some for a reason and some cos i feel like it or they look a bit mad, but maybe they do say something about me, i dunno
Alt I hope you're not trying to tell us you're scarey :crazy:
P.s. Thanks for changing your avatar, I'm no longer scared :thumbup: :rose:
You're entitled to your opinion Alan, i still maintain that they are meaningless pictures and having met some of the people concerned I see no link between the people concerned and their avatars but if you do then fair enough.
style.....try this for dont have to actually do it.....but have a wee think about an avatar for dont actually have to put one up....but look for one..... I want you to just see how long it take you to pick one you;d feel comfortable with being displayed on every one of your posts in the forums.
Just did that desdemona, just did a search on Google for photos and that was the first thing i came across took all of 2 minute lol
Style is right in a way, but many of the avatars speak volumes about the poster. I know the ones i use reflect how i feel at the time, current one reminds me of my dad.
Well ,I looked long and hard for mine, even edited it,so i reckon some ppl do put a bit of time into theirs, I enjoy the avatars they often make me smile, my only gripe would be on some of the really small ones with writing it can be hard to read them sad But I look on them as a way for ppl to personalise their posts and would think that if ya just pick any old pic its an opportunity missed.
how do we load a Avatars send us some help pls
Go to My photos on your home page menu
At the top of the page you will see
"You have 5 photos uploaded. (Set one as your forum avatar here")
Click the here button
Then go to Upload a new avatar
You can upload a new avatar, directly from your be aware, it must not be a adult image as avatars are visible from the non member areas of the site smile
I love my avatar, lots of people mailed when it first went up and said it relflected my character, naughty,suggestive but .. I also adore lingerie so this one stays