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Any advice on Nipple Clamps?

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I've always liked the sensitivity of my nipples and I get a huge amount of satisfaction of having them, lets say 'worshiped'. So much so that myself and a friend brought a couple of clothes pegs into the bedroom. Sweet lord above the pain. I flew off the bed writhing in agony on the floor making a noise not unlike a squealing pig. Not the most attractive and my friend lost his em... concentration for a while... through laughing. Anyways I was thinking about nipple clamps. Any good? Have they all a vice like grip? Is there a starter pair? And should I be preparing my nipples to harden them up so to speak? Someone said rub petrol on them everyday should harden them. :undecided: Me and someone no longer speak. lol
Sorry tiny wudnt have a clue about clamps. But that post really made me laugh. Petrol ,pegs. not taking the piss out of you. Just a funny story. Take a trip into miss fantasia south william street. They have many different types, some look oh so sore, others dont.
Could do with a little shopping expedition Kink, thanks hun.. Hope they have a Nipple Clamp changing room so I can try a few pairs on. wink
Most welcome.
lol Tiny you're gas! A word of advice - yes there's definitely 'starter' vs 'experienced' clamps, I'd stay away from the clover clamps (not sure if I can link but you can google it). I can take them now, but it took a little while! (I found being distracted helps wink ) Also not sure if I can mention it here but I got my aforementioned clover clamps online through a site with lots of good user reviews (they really help!) and knowing i could return them for any reason... If you want any more info you know where to find me!
Curious I think we need to catch up again soon. lol We can have that coffee and you can show me your Clovers. wink Thanks for the advice. xx And to those who sent private mails and links thanks, really great. xx
You need a clamp thats adjustable so you can vary the ammount of pressure that is being applied. Most of the better ones will have a little turn screw that takes the presure off of the spring mechanism making it squeeze less hard. I will send you a few examples to your email so you have an idea. However you will usually find the biggest pain is when you have it removed after you have had it on for a while as the blood flows into the nipples again. Have fun with it. Sean
mail sent smile
That's brill. Some of them look very pretty which is great as I'm not looking for the hardcore s&m look. Well not just yet. wink Thanks Sean and Beddy it's time to to shop. Tiny xxx