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Alter Egos - What's yours like?

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Do you have another 'You' to be?
Mine is a 4th level Noble Vampire.
What's yours like?
being a gemini I am lucky enough to be my alter ego :P
Well, if we are allowed to be far fetched...
had a great pic, but cant place it here, ffs
OK, Sir Lancelot!!!!!!!!!

Kinda sums it up really.
:laughabove::laughabove::laughabove::laughabove: Id place mine there for ya any time titan:giggle:
Quote by user=newbie9
Well, if we are allowed to be far fetched...

Having met you Newbie9, I actually see the similarity... nothing far fetched at all...
tragically sexford is my alter ego - i'm even less interesting in reality...

It wasn't showing for you Busty so I re-did the post
Busty love the alter you
or maybe a super-hero

stud muffin man
or a cowgirl looking for a ride innocent
Amber my wrists are waiting for you handcuffs.... but I also like cowgirls .... will you be wearing spurs...
this is my Alter Ego - Strong and
Oiche-dana love your avatar alter you ... I am sure it would indeed be an Oiche-Dana...enjoying every part of you....:taz:

C'mon Alan saddle up :rascal:
ok Amber I am ready... I was away getting my chest waxed & polished
Quote by user=alan-ball
ok Amber I am ready... I was away getting my chest waxed & polished

Jebus Alan that's some wax jobby ya got done, the real milky bar kid eh :lick:
Quote by user=alan-ball
ok Amber I am ready... I was away getting my chest waxed & polished

Jebus Alan that's some wax jobby ya got done, the real milky bar kid eh :lick:
Quote by et Litterature/lucky_ ://

Alan I can think of somewhere nicer to melt them :lick:
well I must admit I do like to watch a lady eating a Cadburys Flake
ok seriously I think my alter ego could be as an under wear model
God no Alan he looks like action man:O
OMG... no anatomically correct parts...:P
maybe I should be Chocolate man