So, as many of you would know I usually use the name "A Room with a View" when I’m camming, but for a while now other people have been opening rooms with this name, yes I know, I don’t have copyright on it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yet ;) I suppose if you can’t think of a name for your room, using another persons room name is handy,:-?
they do say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery,but ,flattered and all as I am, I keep getting an earful off people saying , “oh I came in today, saw Room with a View, thought you would be there and you weren’t†, and then they give out to me, sooooo, to cut a long story short, I wont be using the title A Room with a View again.
To the people that have been using the name, I’m flattered that you liked the name I came up so much, you used it, and I wish you well with it .
I will use the few brain cells I have left to think of another one.:love: