Withdoubt a shadow of a doubt yessss :-)
Ohhh we like tempt being ontop! a whole hearted yez please :-)
Helen wont play with smokers sorry :-( it has to be a no :-(
Yessss yessss yessssss did we say yes?? ;-)
Hummmm hummm ummmm well!! Hummmm eh!!! Ohhh ehhh!!!
Good profile..witty hummmm its possible lol
There is always a chance :-)
Hi guys
If there is any room left we would love to be considered for an invite! :-)
Kind regards the megas
Holy fuck yes please :-) :-)
We think this is the 3/4 time we have said yes to this stunner.
So whats once more ;-) hell yes we would ;-) looking forward to the day our paths cross ;-)
Awesome one guys! big tip of the hat to you two :-) were not often impressed with these outings, but yours always tip the scales :-)
Great venue, great people, great costumes :-)
Ohh and our vote for best costume of the night goes too sluttybifem :-)
This would be a yes please :-)
Humm if i am correct you hinted at an actress form back in the day?
Elizabeth Taylor? Or Joan Collins in the 80s with the shoulder pads :-)
How about trinity from the matrix?
Tall short hair all leather hummm you could pull that off and then some ;-)
Ohh and this is helen ;-)
Oh ohh marlin monroe :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Well slutty if your ever in our company and you have no jacket, troy would gladly give you his ;-)
Chivalry is not dead its just forgotten ;-).
Hope you find your jacket!
Ok a loophole in your one guess each!! Well the above was helens guess :-) so troy gets a go too hehehe!!
So hummmmm ehhh??? Head scratch! Ummmmmm ok how about, a sexy zombie nurse? If there could be zombie and sexy in the same sentence hehehe..
Do not know her personally, but from our chats here! she seems to have a genuine grasp of politeness.(thats no small feat here)
Add to that a warmth of personalty that seems to exude from her posts, we would say all in all she is a class act :-)