Hi there. We re a couple of fuck buddies who head out for a bit of daytime dogging occasionally. We re heading out next Wednesday the 14th of September. Pm me for time and venue if interested. Rgds Luca.
Heading for lakes tomorrow afternoon if there's any voyeurs out there. Pm me if you require interested. She's a very srxy lady who loves getting her kit off in public. The result of her getting so turned on by strangers seeing her in the nip is I get to fuck her any way I want afterwards.
Hi there. We re a couple who are heading for some daytime fun next week in one of the adult cinemas. She very much an exhibitionist and loves getting her kit off in public. The only stipulation is no touching. You are more than welcome to have a good wank while I'm carrying out some filthy acts on her . if you fancy it pm me. It will be during the day midweek so obviously it won't suit everybody. Luca.
Hi there. We re a couple who are heading for some daytime fun next week in one of the adult cinemas. She very much an exhibitionist and loves getting her kit off in public. The only stipulation is no touching. You are more than welcome to have a good wank while I'm carrying out some filthy acts on her . if you fancy it pm me. It will be during the day midweek so obviously it won't suit everybody. Luca.