meet sat......
M1 lay by at the cross over bridge tonight at 11pm. Straight/bi females and Couples for a bit of fun :)
message me if you want some dogging
Hi all Just recently moved into the Ardee area and I'm looking for current regular locations to visit. All the locations mentioned seem to be a few years ago so just don't want to be hunting round the county looking at redundant locations lol. Please update the most recent locations, or mail me looking mainly couples and females tv's or ts's Thanks
Hey all ill b on d quay if anybody interestd meet thereill b in silver nissan flash lights if interestd im a genuine hard working young man looking to have fun hope to c some nice people there xxxx
Young energetic man looking for fun i will b in a white van clean and descreet cum play flash ur lights or come over to me and we can go from there thank you for reading hope to c u there xxx
Tomorrow night at the m1 crossover bridge in on the right beside the water tower about ten pm. Girls/Couples. Flash Lights to let me know you're interested.
Got cancelled on tomorrow night, so now looking for a girl/girls to have some fun with. Tomorrow night,about ten pm at the lay by beside the m1 crossover bridge on the Hill of Rath. Girls only please
question to ye good swingers out there can ye give us some idea of times to be at the dogging sights in co louth please , if ye could email us on here thanks , and happy dogging xx
nice location and lots of places to go from there , bit dark and deserted but very gay friendly so ill be around most nights around 10 at the main entrance (road side) and we can go from there :)
back of the old shopping centre in town centre most weekends after 12pm has some good action going on
lots of action in this deserted holiday hot spot , bring a torch so we can see whats going on and text beforehand to arrange details ***removed***